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Apr 27, 2007

Gene repair for neurological disease

title Gene Repair Pill Update
description "In an advance online publication in the journal Nature, researchers describe developing a drug designed to be taken orally to treat diseases caused by "nonsense mutations," which cause cells to prematurely stop making a needed protein. The drug, PTC124 is now in early human trials for treatment of nonsense mutations in Duchenne muscular dystrophy and cystic fibrosis. … researchers at PTC Therapeutics screened 800,000 small molecules to find a compound that tells cells to bypass the premature stop signs, while still obeying normal ones." Video produced in 2005, but link features an interview about the new research.
producer Joyce Gramza for ScienCentral Video News
featuring JP Clancy, University of Alabama at Birmingham, cystic fibrosis patient Amanda Gosa
format Quicktime or RealVideo
date **/03/2005
length 00:01:49


Apr 26, 2007

Monkey's brain signals control robot

title Brain-Control Monkey
description "In a ground-breaking 5 year experiment, scientists hook up a robotic arm controlled by a computer game to a monkey's brain. In training the monkey to move the arm by 'playing' the game with a joystick. Researchers wanted to learn more about the output of the brain and the individual brain-cell signals. However the monkey was about to do something that would make history and change the lives of those involved." Oversimplified, with little specific information.
producer BBC Horizon - Human v 2.0
featuring unknown
format YouTube
date 24/10/2006
length 00:05:35


Apr 25, 2007


title Genius
description "For hundreds of years great minds have been arguing over intelligence. But are there different types of intelligence that go beyond IQ? This was an after-show discussion for the BBC Horizon programme Battle of the Brains."
producer Dana Centre UK/Science Museum
featuring Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, Bonnie Greer, Vivian Hill, Dick Taylor, facilitated by Anjana Ahuja
format wmv
date 17/04/07
length approx. 1 hour
direct video link mms://


Apr 24, 2007

Rett Syndrome

title The Strength of Families: Solving Rett Syndrome
description Holiday Lectures on Science at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute on Rett Syndrome, a childhood developmental disorder affecting girls. Includes a PSA by Julia Roberts.
producer Howard Hughes Medical Institute
featuring Huda Zoghbi
format RealVideo
date 2003
length 00:58:30
direct video link


Apr 16, 2007

Psychology at Work

title Psychologically Healthy Workplace Awards 2006
description The Psychologically Healthy Workplace Awards site offers this background video on the importance of mentally healthy workplaces, and the 2006 awards winners.
producer American Psychological Association
featuring various
format WMV
date 03/05/06
length 00:13:19
direct video link mms://


Teenage Brains

title The Teen Brain
description The NIH 2002 Medicine for the Public Lecture Series presents child psychiatrist Jay Giedd on the neurodevelopment of the adolescent brain.
producer National Institutes of Health
featuring Jay Giedd
format WMV
date 15/10/02
length 01:00:36


Apr 13, 2007

Desire and the Brain

title On Desire
description Helen Fisher interviewed by David Corcoran of the NYT on desire, love and evolutionary psychology.
producer New York Times Video
featuring Helen Fisher
format embed
date 13/04/07
length 00:05:35


Apr 10, 2007

The Poet's Seeing Machine

title Seeing Machine
description A Seeing Machine that projects images onto the retina and enables vision in impaired persons. Developed by Elizabeth Goldring of MIT, an artist and poet chronicling her vision loss while developing a visual language and seeing machine.
producer Academic Media Productions
featuring Elizabeth Goldring
format Real Media
date 2006
length 00:04:32
direct video link


Apr 5, 2007

Bipolar Children

title Keeping Kids Healthy: Bipolar Disorder in Children
description A controversial topic. "... an in-depth visit with three children who have been diagnosed as bipolar, and meet the parents who care for them. And hear what two of the field's leading experts have to say about proper diagnosis and treatment: how to recognize the disorder in your child, how to avoid those all-too-easy incorrect diagnoses, and what you really need to know to get the right treatment for your child."
producer Keeping Kids Healthy
featuring Drs. Gabrielle Carlson and Jill Goldberg Arnold, parents, kids
format Google video
date 16/09/06
length 27:13
video link


Apr 3, 2007

Minding Music

title This is Your Brain on Music: The Science of a Human Obsession
description "[Dan] Levitin [pictured above] unravels a host of mysteries that affect everything from pop culture to our understanding of human nature, including: Are our musical preferences shaped in utero? Is there a cutoff point for acquiring new tastes in music? What do PET scans and MRIs reveal about the brain's response to music? Is musical pleasure different from other kinds of pleasure? Levitin explores cultures in which singing is considered an essential human function, patients who have a rare disorder that prevents them from making sense of music, and scientists studying why two people may not have the same definition of pitch."
featuring Daniel Levitin, Ph.D., associate professor, Psychology, Behavioural Neuroscience, and Music, McGill University, and rock star
format Microsoft embed, requires Explorer and WMP
date 12/09/06
length 01:00:50


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