title Structural and functional brain changes in patients with never treated mood disorders
description Neuropsychological studies of people with depression or bipolar, and impairments in youth that may impact development. Cognitive impairments with memory, verbal abilities, and more were found in established illness and in states of remission, and in at risk youth who were asymptomatic or never been affected but had a first-degree relative with a mood disorder. With accompanying
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producer BC Mental Health and Addictions Research Network 2008 Research Colloquium
featuring Glenda MacQueen, MD, FRCP(C), PhD
format Flash
date 14/02/08
length 00:58:22
http://www.mhanet.ca/media/2008-colloquium/2008colloquium-06.html Tags:
brain video lecture cog_sci cognitive depression bipolar neuropsychology neuropsychiatry neurodevelopment youth cancon