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Feb 28, 2009

Suicide Cry

title Richard Cardinal: Cry from a Diary of a Métis Child
description Poignant biography inspired by the diary of Richard Cardinal, a Metis teen who committed suicide in 1984. From ages 4 to 17 he was moved between 28 Alberta group and foster homes, and wrote eloquently about neglect and depression. Warning: graphic images.
producer Alanis Obomsawin, National Film Board (NFB)
featuring Alanis Obomsawin, siblings, foster parents
format Flash
date 1986
length 00:29:10


Feb 27, 2009

Secrets and Powers of the Brain

title The Ups and Downs of Forgetting
description Part 1 of Unlocking the Secrets and Powers of the Brain, a panel discussion on "the hottest issues in brain research, from predicting human behavior to manipulating memory to pinpointing consciousness" broken into two video players with indexed five minute clips and and interviews with each scientist.
producer Discover, National Science Foundation
featuring Michael Gazzaniga, Daniel Levitan, Rebecca Saxe, Samuel Wang, Carl Zimmer
format Flash
date 12/11/08
length 00:04:48


Feb 24, 2009

Depression Damages

title Structural and functional brain changes in patients with never treated mood disorders
description Neuropsychological studies of people with depression or bipolar, and impairments in youth that may impact development. Cognitive impairments with memory, verbal abilities, and more were found in established illness and in states of remission, and in at risk youth who were asymptomatic or never been affected but had a first-degree relative with a mood disorder. With accompanying PDF and a bio on PDF.
producer BC Mental Health and Addictions Research Network 2008 Research Colloquium
featuring Glenda MacQueen, MD, FRCP(C), PhD
format Flash
date 14/02/08
length 00:58:22


Feb 16, 2009

Practical and Cute

title Paro Interaction at Nursing Home
description Series of brief videos featuring Paro the Mental Commit Robot, an early robotic seal companion to patients with Alzheimer's. Paro is modelled after baby harp seals, the type clubbed to death on Canadian ice floes each year to the dismay of many.
producer various
featuring Paro
format wmv
date 2002-2005
length average 00:01:00
direct video link (to one)


Feb 10, 2009

Go Carts Go


title Carts of Darkness
description Documentary about homeless bottle collectors (binners) who race shopping carts down mountains. Issues involving fetal alcohol syndrome, addictions, and other psychosocial and legal matters.
producer Murray Siple, National Film Board of Canada (NFB)
featuring Murray Siple, Big Al, various binners
format Flash
date 2008
length 00:59:27


Feb 8, 2009

Pinker's Blank Slate

title Steven Pinker chalks it up to the blank slate
description Steven Pinker explains why some of the ideas of innate human traits in his book The Blank Slate are controversial. Subtitled and transcribed in English (option to view without, and the original is here) at dotSUB, a multilingual subtitling wiki.
producer TEDTalks, dotSUB
featuring Steven Pinker
format Flash
date **/02/03
length 00:22:19


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