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Feb 24, 2007

Physical Basis of Mental Illness

title Finding More Effective Mental Illness Diagnoses and Treatments
description Dr. Robert Cancro, founder of the Mental Illness Prevention Center, discusses implications of the ongoing discoveries of biological markers of mental illnesses. Neuroimaging, physiological and genetic research is leading to tools to diagnose mental illness in early stages, and screening prior to onset. Poor audio recording quality and no video info, but worth a look.
producer unknown
featuring Dr. Robert Cancro
format Quicktime
date unknown; vlogged 07/02/07
length approx 00:08:00

Via the terrific blog Anxiety, Addiction and Depression Treatments, which is now vlogging.



At 11:35, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great information. Thanks for putting it together. Very interesting. I have similiar interests as you have shared in your profile. Let me share a little bit about myself.

I am a traumatic brain injury survivor. Throughout my lifetime, I have taught myself how to overcome many insurmountable odds. These strategies have helped me to prosper and succeed. In the last week I decided to start a blog at . I would encourage you to visit my site. The focus of my blog is to encourage, motivate and empower individuals who may have lost hope due to circumstances or events that are out of their control. As a traumatic brain injury survivor, I share from my experience, strength and hope.

Second Chance to Live will present topics, concepts and practical solutions for living life on life’s terms. Your circumstances are not meant to hold you down, but to build you up.

Per my traumatic brain injury, at the age of 10, I was in a motor vehicle accident. Upon impact -- the Cadillac hitting our VW Beetle -- I was thrown forward from where I sat, behind my father who was driving. On my way forward, I snapped my left femur on my Dad's bucket seat and then hit the windshield. When my head hit the windshield, I sustained an open skull fracture. The injury to my brain resulted in my remaining in a coma for 3 weeks. Upon waking from what I thought was a bad dream, I found my left leg elevated and in traction. Slowly, it became apparent that I was not merely in a bad dream. Although I am unable to remember much from that time in my life, one memory stands out. The right side of my forehead -- where the fracture occurred -- was depressed inward like a shallow bowl. I later learned that my right frontal lobe had been damaged, I sustained a severe brain contusion, and there had been some injury to my brain stem, as a result of my brain being jostled inside my skull at the time of the accident.

In 1967 neurological rehabilitation was not available. As a result, I was virtually on my own. I had to re-teach myself how to walk, talk, read, write and speak in complete sentences. Although my injuries were life threatening and I was not expected to succeed beyond high school, I went on to obtain both my undergraduate and graduate degrees. I have learned that daunting pessimism and negativity is pointless. My hope is that through visiting my blog, those individuals who may have lost hope will see a new light. This light will in turn guide them to a renewed hope, an array of possibilities, and a new zest for living.

In the event that you know of families and individuals your area that could benefit from visiting my site, please them know of my site too. I address issues that provide comfort to the readers.

My site's focus is on motivation, encouragement, and empowerment. Please also consider adding my blog to your site. .

Respectfully yours,


At 15:54, Blogger Sandra said...

Thanks, CJ. Very inspiring.


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