Less Stress and Pain
title Health Matters: Stress and Pain Management with Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
description "Dr. [Steve] Hickman utilizes Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) a particular way of paying attention: with mindful intention, in the moment, without judgment. Although MBSR embraces the acceptance of things as they are without striving, research has shown that, with regular practice, it has the potential to lower stress, anxiety, and depression. It can promote relaxation, improve concentration, raise self-awareness, and enhance the immune system." UCSD-TV also offers two more stress reduction videos here. Although mindfulness meditation borrows from Buddhism, don't mistake it for religion. "Those who have pioneered meditation for health purposes in Western medicine in the past three decades, (Herbert Benson, M.D., Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., Dean Ornish, M.D., and Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D., to name a few) have made deliberate efforts to make the meditation practices they teach non-sectarian and available to people of any and all faith traditions. This is true, for example, for Benson's method of eliciting the 'relaxation response' in which instructions may have either a spiritual or secular focus depending on the individual's own preference."
producer University of California Regents
featuring host David Granet, Steven Hickman
format Real Video
date unknown
length 00:28:54
link http://health.ucsd.edu/specialties/psych/mindfulness/videos/
direct video link http://webcast.ucsd.edu:8080/ramgen/UCSD_TV/9110.rm
Tags: webcast brain mindfulness stress pain medicine cognitive meditation
Hi Sandra,
You have a great blog and I have added you to my blogroll.
Sciencetrack Blog
If you do the same, I would be so happy.
Thanks Murat, I've added a reciprocal link.
Hi Sandra,
Stress causes pain and disease, as illustrated beautifully in "The Secret". It is very important to be mindful of our thoughts.
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