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Nov 28, 2007

Adolescent Sex Offenders

title The Role of the Mental Health Professional in the Management of Sexual Offenders
description In a Yochelson Lecture, Roy O'Shaughnessy, M.D., Head, Division Forensic Psychiatry of the University of British Columbia (UBC) discusses the psychopathy, treatment and management of adolescent sex offenders. Interesting, and challenging to pop culture assumptions and values.
producer Yale Psychiatry
featuring Roy O'Shaughnessy
format Real Video
date 27/04/07
length 01:22:38
direct video link


Nov 23, 2007

Dreams and Dreaming

title New Frontiers of Dream Consciousness
description Metacognition, memory, consciousness, lucid dreaming, cognitive psychology and sleep skills in dreams and dreaming. Awareness, attentionality and intention.
producer UCLA
featuring Tracey Kahan
format Real Video
date unknown
length 00:48:37


Nov 22, 2007


title The case of the four-legged duck: Investigations of concepts and meaning
description The BA Charles Darwin Award Lecture at Festival of Science 2006. Concepts, language, cognition and neuropsychology for a broad audience.
producer University of Cambridge
featuring Matthew Lambon Ralph
format Real Video or WMV
date 08/09/06
length 00:45:29


Nov 20, 2007

Model of a Psychopharmacologist

title I Am the Very Model of a Psychopharmacologist
description Hilarious and grandiose version of a Gilbert and Sullivan classic song, about psychopharmacology. (x-posted to Omni Brain)
producer Stephen Stahl
featuring animated
format Flash
date unknown
length 00:02:35


Nov 19, 2007


title Understanding Cerebellar Pattern Formation
description Fresh from the ninth issue of the Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE), Kathleen Millen explains her work with phenotyping mice related to the cerebellum and dorsal pattern formation in development, genetics and potential clinical applications. She communicates very well. JoVE is interactive; comment on the published video-articles (a.k.a. pubcasts) at its site.
producer Dept. of Neurology, University of Chicago
featuring Kathleen J. Millen
format Flash
date 01/11/07
length 00:13:18


Nov 18, 2007

9/11 First Responders

[Image: see for details]

title The 9/11 Experience: Mental Health and First Responders
description Polytraumatic Wounds of War and Terrorism, from the New York Academy of Traumatic Brain Injury Annual Conference 2007.
featuring Leo J. Shea, Judith G. Leventhal
format Flash
date 23/03/07
length 00:42:22


Nov 16, 2007

Minsky's Common Sense

title Emotion Machine: Commonsense Thinking, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of the Human Mind
description A pioneer of artificial intelligence research suggests that we are facing an emergency in the field as we will need machines more than ever in coming years. He criticizes some limitations of current research then describes a model of common sense architecture. "Today, while we have machines that can automatically assemble clothes, we don’t have any that know how to sew together a tear in a shirt or a suit. Minsky proposes a new kind of AI that might eventually result in a 'really resourceful, clever thinking machine...with knowledge about how to do things,' and which 'can do the broad range of things children can do.'"
producer MIT
featuring Marvin Minsky
format Real Video
date 12/09/07
length 01:23:10


Nov 11, 2007

ADHD in the Community

title A Window into the Minds of Children and Adults with ADHD
description "Synopsis: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is the most common childhood psychiatric disorder, affecting daily life and functioning for 3 to 5 percent of school-aged children in the United States." A friendly, interactive community forum on symptoms, treatments, and research into ADHD, its history and people it affects.
producer UC Davis M.I.N.D. Institute
featuring Julie Schweitzer, Ph.D.
format WMV or Quicktime
date 18/10/07
length 01:24:48


Nov 8, 2007

A Step Up for Bipolar Disorders

title National Institute of Mental Health Open Policy Session:
Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar Disorder (STEP-BD)
description STEP-BD is the largest study of bipolar disorder conducted to date, and Harvard's Gary Sachs was instrumental. STEP-BD studied the effects of medications, genetics, real-world clinical practices, health risks to women, and more. Here he reports on some findings of the trial while referring to embargoes for other data. Good quality slides and video, with close-captioning.
producer National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
featuring Dr. Gary Sachs
format Real Video
date **/**/07
length 00:17:46
direct video link rtsp://


Nov 6, 2007

Violence Against Children

title Violence Against Children: Going from Neuroscience to Social Practice
description Researchers in neuroscience, psychiatry, pediatrics and social work join in a unique multidisciplinary collaboration to look at the impacts of violence against children. Topics include neurodevelopment, neuroplasticity, mental health and social consequences of abuse. They also describe best-evidence approaches to clinical practice. Issues include: "1. Describe three examples of how children's early attachment experiences with caretakers influence brain anatomy and physiology. 2. Describe the important psychosocial sequelae and factors associated with the neurobiology of maltreatment and attachment failures. 3. Describe the conceptual, empirical and clinical challenges and opportunities associated with the study of violence against children and a model for responding to these issues." An important and groundbreaking project. Fair technical video quality but all in all, a really great lecture. [If you'd like to help provide aftercare for child sexual abuse, consider donating to RAINN. Not affiliated with this lecture or the University of Kentucky, but founded by Tori Amos.]
producer University of Kentucky
featuring James Clark, Ph.D., Ginny Sprang, Ph.D., Otto Kaak, M.D., Allen Brenzel, M.D.
format WMV or Quicktime
date 01/03/07
length 00:54:44


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