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Nov 16, 2007

Minsky's Common Sense

title Emotion Machine: Commonsense Thinking, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of the Human Mind
description A pioneer of artificial intelligence research suggests that we are facing an emergency in the field as we will need machines more than ever in coming years. He criticizes some limitations of current research then describes a model of common sense architecture. "Today, while we have machines that can automatically assemble clothes, we don’t have any that know how to sew together a tear in a shirt or a suit. Minsky proposes a new kind of AI that might eventually result in a 'really resourceful, clever thinking machine...with knowledge about how to do things,' and which 'can do the broad range of things children can do.'"
producer MIT
featuring Marvin Minsky
format Real Video
date 12/09/07
length 01:23:10



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