The Science of Educating

title Brains R Us: The Science of Educating
description A star-studded all-day town hall forum on the neuroscience and psychology of education and learning. Brains R Us is a well-produced and packaged webcast by The Science Network (TSN), headed by the very distinguished Roger Bingham. It's an excellent science 2.0 site, with other equally polished productions to explore.
producer The Science Network and Temporal Dynamics of Learning Center, and partners
featuring Roger Bingham, David Boulton, Andrea Chiba, John Corcoran, Garrison W. Cottrell, C. Michael Dabney, Adele Diamond, Barbara Edwards, Nancy Farnan, Kurt Fischer, Fred Gage, Jay Giedd, Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek, Paul D. Houston, Jennifer Husbands, Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, Eric Jensen, Terry L. Jernigan, Leon Lederman, Kathleen Leos, David Lightfoot, Soo-Siang Lim, Peggy McCardle, Michael M. Merzenich, Mike Moses, Javier Movellan, Jim Nelson, Kathleen Paliokas, Hal Pashler, Donald A. Phillips, Urs Ribary, Terrence J. Sejnowski, Paula Tallal, and Patricia Wright
format Flash
date 04/03/08
length five videos of about an hour each
Tags: brain video webcast lecture neuroscience psychology education learning neurodevelopment science
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