What's New in Neuroinformatics

[Image: distinct astrocyte domains revealed in an image from the freely available selection in the Cell Centered Database.]
title Integrating Neuroscience Knowledge: Brain Research in the Digital Age
description Fresh! This video is just a week old, a keynote address from the 1st INCF Congress of Neuroinformatics: Databasing and Modeling the Brain. Ellisman paints a picture of his work developing a neuroinformatics infrastructure (cyberinfrastructure) at the National Center of Microscopy and Imaging Research, BIRN, and related projects. He shows fantastic renderings and images, and discusses oodles of very hot new technology and research. More info here.
producer International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility
featuring Mark Ellisman
format Flash
date 07/09/08
length 00:57:28
link http://www.neuroinformatics2008.org/congress-movies/Mark%20Ellisman.flv/view
Tags: brain video lecture neuroinformatics neuroscience neuroimaging neurocartography astrocytes software research
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